Josh Withers with Holly and Mark - photo by Tricia King.

Dear bride and groom,

Usually when we, the wedding vendors, email you, it’s because we need to confirm something, or we’re chasing up money, or we’re asking for a testimony. So I just wanted to write a different kind of note and say “thank you!”

Thank you for falling in love, and thank you for hosting a party that required our skills, talents and resources. Thank you for giving us some of your money so that we could lead a meaningful life and run a meaningful business. Thank you for clicking on our website and sending us an email to see if we’re available. And thanks for liking us on Facebook and following us on Instagram!

Thanks for telling your friends about us and saying really nice things. Thank you for recognising our passions and our dreams and valuing them so that we could keep on performing them for other people!

But there’s one massive thing I want to recognise: thank you for letting us know your expectations of us so we know we’re creating your wedding! And thank you for meeting our expectations of a business transaction. Thank you for communicating with us because that’s the only way we can do what you want.

But mainly, thanks for falling in love and getting married. We love doing this thing for you!

Thank you for supporting this thing that our partners and family thought we were crazy for starting and thanks for reading that blog post, or ad, or directory listing. It really means the world to us.

Thank you, you’re awesome.

Sincerely, your wedding vendors.

Letter by a wedding celebrant named Josh and feature image by the awesome Tricia King

Ms Gingham says: Sniff! So sweet.

Joshua Withers is a pretty cool marriage celebrant, according to his local barista and wife. If you click this link the wonders of the Internet will magically transfer you to his own website which even has a photo of him on it! Josh Withers Wedding Celebrant