
1. What is your favourite Christmas food?
Fresh Australian prawns with crunchy greens salad, bubbles and  homemade pavlova topped with passionfruit from our vine in the garden.

2. What is your favourite Christmas movie?
Dr Seuss – The Grinch

3. Your favourite Christmas drink?
Pimms with lots of ice and fruit.

4. Is there something you love to do every Christmas?
Spending time with the family after a very busy year is the most important part of Christmas for me. Heading to a country waterhole for fishing and swimming or the beach for surf and sand with my two girls and husband, followed by bon fires and movie nights in the garden.

5. How do you Deck the Halls? What is your favourite Christmas decoration?
We always have a fresh tree in the house to decorate as our Christmas Tree. This year its a beautiful two metre tall magnolia tree which we will plant in the garden in the New Year.

6. Do you have any Christmas family traditions?
Christmas baking gingerbread decoration, movies in the garden, attending the local Council’s Carols in the Park and usually a holiday to the beach at some stage.

7. Do you bake at Christmas time? If yes, what are your favourite things to bake? Would you share the recipe?
Fruit mice pies, gingerbread, pavlova, fruit cakes.

8. Where will you be spending Christmas this year?
We will be having a quiet Christmas at home this year.

9.Where does Santa leave presents in your house?
At the ends of the kids beds. Santa quite often drops a few crumbs of gingerbread on his way out the door…

10. What do you leave out for Santa on Christmas Eve?
Gingerbread cookies, milk and carrot sticks.