There’s serendipity you see, and it’s something I believe in – especially when it comes to New Zealand designer Kelsey Genna, First an email from her popped into my inbox, then someone tweeted me about her, then I stumbled across another gown of hers on Etsy. When the universe comes knocking on my door I listen, and aren’t you glad I did?

Kelsey’s story inspires me – she sold her first dress on Etsy when she was 16. Which makes her only 21 today. She’s based in New Zealand and this beautiful collection marks her debut into the wedding world. I really loved the thought out, almost architectural designs – the gowns, most of which are named after flowers, were inspired by A Flower Fairies Treasury’ by Cicely Mary Barker, a book Kelsey was given as a child which influences her work daily.

Each of Kelsey’s gowns is handmade in her studio and each is available to purchase online. Kelsey takes her gowns regularly on the road to Australia and around New Zealand so there are plenty of chances to see them. (oh and as for the images, her campaign shots are equally as stunning, but today I  wanted to show the gowns in their simple glory).

Images by Kelsey Genna