Happy Monday Dotties! Did you kick back and relax this weekend? Or did you pack it full of wedding plans? We are so excited to dive into another week!

Are you making the most of the time before your wedding? The excitement, the feeling of anticipation and yes, the busy-ness also! Take a few moments and breathe. Grab a coffee or make a cocktail from one of our recipes and look through our Polka Dot Directory where we have lots of vendors to choose from! We have Photography, we have Bridal Gown Services, we have Entertainment and Styling and Hire – we even have Jewellery and Venues! We have vendors who are committed to working with you to create the best wedding possible.

Check out the Polka Dot Directory for wedding vendors who will love your wedding as much as you!

There is a beautiful moody quality to Nigel Unsworth Studios’ work. The light on the subject is used in such a  way that it almost feels as if you are looking at a painting, where the subject is the all important focus, and that around the edges is a whole unseen world of activity. And so, there is a sense of stillness – a pause – as if the bridal couple is in their own world.

We asked Nigel of Nigel Unsworth Studios five questions in five minutes:

What is your reward after a big working day?

An independent or foreign film and a glass of red wine.

Favourite weekend away?

The city. I like to be around restaurants and museums.

What is your most prized possession?

My guitar or camera, I can’t choose.

Favourite restaurant?

Spice Temple.

What do you most enjoy about being in the wedding industry?

Meeting different people and being able to photograph them at some amazing locations.
The diversity of a wedding inspires you to be very creative.


Visit  Nigel Unsworth Studios’  page to find out more about our Vendor Of The Week. Nigel Unsworth Studios is a member of the Polka Dot Directory.